GoodsIn / ASN (Advanced Shipping Notification) Guide

Below is a brief guide on how our current Goods In procedure works.

Please note that any goods sent to us not using this system will be bounced and CBF is not liable for any additional costs incurred due to this.

We have detailed some more in depth guides below too, to help ensure your stock can be booked in and processed correctly by our Warehouse Team.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the CBF Client Services Team:

01242 802140 /


  • Please DO NOT give your supplier the go ahead to send stock to the warehouse until a slot has been agreed with CBF.
    ALL proposed / expected delivery dates must be a minimum of 7 Days in advance.
  • Ensure that however the inventory will be arriving is how it is detailed on the ASN. Shipments that differ greatly from the Delivery Type stated on the ASN - Cartons, Pallets or Container(s) - will be refused.
  • All goods must be marked clearly with the ASN number generated in Mintsoft (you can always generate a PDF to print the ASN and apply it to your shipment), we also require a label with your Trading Name on the Shipment. The haulier should know these details and be able to quote them to our Goods-In Team upon arrival.


ALL Deliveries to the Warehouse MUST HAVE an ASN on Mintsoft
with a pre-arranged Estimated Delivery Date.

When creating an ASN for your next shipment coming to us, please provide the following:

  • Main Warehouse (unless told otherwise by CBF)
  • PO Reference (if applicable)
  • Select Supplier
  • Desired/expected delivery date
  • Delivery Type: Cartons, Pallets
  • or 20ft/40ft Container and the quantity
  • Add any relevant comments regarding the specifics of the shipment.
  • Select the SKUs and quantity
  • Confirm ASN

You must CONFIRM ASN once you have added your SKUs and quantity as this will move your ASN into the AWAITING APPROVAL status.
Only when an ASN moves from NEW to AWAITING APPROVAL will our Warehouse Production Controller and GoodsIn Team look at arranging an appropriate booking slot around your proposed delivery date.
Once agreed, your ASN will be APPROVED and move to the AWAITING DELIVERY status.
This means we are expecting your delivery and will plan to allocate Warehouse space and workforce accordingly - this is why it is vital to provide accurate details on all ASNs and clearly communicate any unexpected changes as soon as possible.


Please ensure all SKUs to be logged on your shipment are created on Mintsoft prior to generating your ASN. They must have all the relevant data included (please refer to the NEW PRODUCT SKU DETAILS below).


On Mintsoft go to Warehouse > Create ASN


PO Reference - Provide the Purchase Order Reference:
Any additional data or reference numbers that you can provide on an ASN will help our GoodsIn Team ensure they can find your ASN on Mintsoft and accept it.


Select Supplier - All ASNs require a Supplier to be selected.
You can create a New Supplier on the Create ASN Page (there is a blue button on the top right hand corner), alternatively you can find your Suppliers listed in Products > Extras > Product Suppliers. Here you can edit or update your suppliers accordingly.
Please provide the full supplier details as you may ask them to contact us for you directly and this greatly helps speed up the process when their details are logged against your account and any relevant ASNs.


Supplier Notes (Optional) - Add any relevant notes from the Supplier.


Estimated Delivery

This is the estimated date provided by your supplier for delivery of your goods, or your hoped for landing date of the stock.
This is a proposed date and our team will organise with you the best date for us to take receipt of your goods depending on the workforce required and space needed to be cleared in the warehouse to ensure a timely booking in process.


Something to note: We know that there can sometimes be months from you placing a purchase order and the stock finally being sent to our warehouse. Therefore, we recommend you create an ASN at the same time as you place any purchase order with a supplier. You can state that this is what you are doing in the order comments below. Being informed of new stock or SKUs with as much notice as possible gives your team and ours better chance to prepare accordingly and hopefully you will incur less chances of delays to process.



This is the place you can inform us of anything important regarding this shipment - if there is anything specific about the shipment you need to highlight or any useful information for our GoodsIn Team.


Delivery Type and Quantity - Provide the Type of Delivery and the correct Quantities.
If you are sending in 1 pallet with 100 cartons on, please log this as Type: Pallet and Quantity: 1. Do not state it as 100 Cartons, as I am sure you can appreciate the workforce needed to deal with 100 cartons is very different to dealing with 1 pallet. Logging this incorrectly means we will not have planned the workforce required to accept your shipment which may risk the ASN being bounced as it has been incorrectly input.


Next > Select Existing SKUs

Add your SKUs and quantities expected and then > CONFIRM ASN


  • SKU codes
  • EAN barcodes
  • Name (as the name appears on the label of the item)
  • Description (a brief description to elaborate on the products details)
  • Customs Description
  • Country Of Manufacture
  • Commodity/HS Code (this is a tariff code for customs and can be found on
  • Weight - KG
  • Height - CM
  • Length - CM
  • Depth - CM
  • Price (we appreciate prices can fluctuate on goods, so please provide to average highest price of the goods)



Below details are usually required for FOOD STUFFS and SUPPLEMENTS. If your SKUs have this information then you will need to turn the information ON or TRUE and Log InBound and OutBound set to TRUE. Inbound logs the products for ASNs and OutBound Logs the details for each order processed with the item.

Product has Batch Information (ON/OFF or TRUE/FALSE)
LogBatchInbound (TRUE/FALSE)
LogBatchOutbound (TRUE/FALSE)

Product has Expiry or Best before date (ON/OFF or TRUE/FALSE)
LogExpiryDateInbound (TRUE/FALSE)
LogExpiryDateOutbound (TRUE/FALSE)



Same principles as the Batch and Expiry information, but serial numbers are usually found with electronic devices. Please ensure these are made TRUE when applicable to SKUs.
Product has Serial No Information (ON/OFF or TRUE/FALSE)
LogSerialInbound (TRUE/FALSE)
LogSerialOutbound (TRUE/FALSE)

This should be the information for the individual item that will be picked.
e.g. if the product is a pen that is sold individually, but those pens come from your manufacturer in packs of 10, you must provide the details of the single item.



You can log Carton details directly to the individual unit SKU. We ask that you do this to all SKUs that come in cartons of multiple items.
Please add the Barcode, Quantity of individual units inside the Carton, and the Dimensions of the ‘carton’.


PLEASE NOTE: ALL New SKUs require 10 working days notice prior to being sent in and we require an additional 5 working days to process any ASN containing New SKUs (on top of the standard 48hrs).


If you have any further questions regarding this,

please contact the CBF Client Services Team:

01242 802140 /