Est. 1986 we have stored goods, processed orders and send goods all over the world for all industry sectors.
Our technology allows us to link your stock in our warehouse to all your sales channels with one login so we can process all your orders same day guaranteed!
Using or considering a third party logistics fulfilment company?
Keeping it simple and efficient.
We guarantee a same day dispatch of your goods.

Securely and efficiently in our heated Warehouse
Our warehouse is our own, We have a large space able to securely store pallets from only £2.00 per week, boxes and goods on pick pack bays ready for your customers to order. Come and see us.

Contract Packing or Order Fulfilment. We are ready!
Daily order processing from £0.50 per order or contract packing projects, we work with them all. Receiving orders from all sales channels we can pick/pack and dispatch the same day of order regardless of volumes.
*T&Cs may apply.

Any size of consignment, anywhere in the world.
Our teams work with all packing suppliers as well as the National Couriers, Royal Mail and Pallet Networks all day every day. Talk to them about how to ship your orders securely and efficiently.
Need help getting your packaging right?
We store hundreds of different types of packaging from padded envelopes and postal boxes to mailer bags and larger boxes. We can help you choose the right eco-friendly filler options from starch loose fill to branded brown paper fill.
Our suppliers can brand tape for you and produce branded boxes if you need them. Let's work together to get your customers their shipments delivered safely and in style.
We are all about the best reviews
for you and our processes.

Your brand and online presence will not grow if your fulfilment partner lets you down with poorly packed and mispicked items. We are all hunting for the 5-star review and together we actively work on providing the processes and tracking to keep you and your customers informed.
CBF Fulfilment's online tools can integrate with your eCommerce sales channels and online marketplaces.
Single or multi-channel order processing? We can integrate your current workflow into our system and adapt to find the best fulfilment solution to help expand and grow your eCommerce business. Shopify to WooCommerce, Amazon to Etsy, We can process them all.
Our Client Services team are here to help advise and guide you to the next level.
It is possible to outsource your 3PL and Order Processing fulfilment to a business that cares about your stock as much as you do.
Talk to our team today to see how we can help get you great feedback on every order!

Your 3PL Ecommerce Fulfilment, Distribution Centre and Contract Packing partner. Planned, Integrated, Packed and Delivered.
T: 01242 802140
CBF Fulfilment
1-11 Alvin Street